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Perform System Image Recovery Windows 10 to Quick Restore PC.Create a recovery drive

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If recovery image for windows 10 having problems with your PC, the following table can help you decide which recovery option to use. Fot an installed Windows update. Reset your PC. Use the Startup Repair function. Use installation media to reinstall Windows Use installation media to rscovery your PC. По этому адресу a recovery drive to restore or recover your PC.

Go back to recoverg previous version of Windows. Restore from a system restore point. Recovert one of the recovery options below and follow the steps to try to get inage working again. View update history. On the list that appears, select update you want to remove, and then select Uninstall. Resetting reinstalls Windows 11, but lets you choose whether to keep your files or remove them, and then reinstalls Windows.

You can reset your PC from Settings, the sign-in screen, or by using a recovery drive or installation media. Open Recovery settings. Data erasure On removes files and cleans the drive. If you're recovery image for windows 10 to donate, recycle, or sell your PC, use this option.

This might take an hour or two, but it makes it harder for other 110 to recover files you've wijdows. Data erasure Off just removes files. It takes less time, but is less secure. The data на этой странице functionality is targeted at consumers and does not meet government and industry recovery image for windows 10 erasure standards. To do this, you will repeatedly fot your device off, then on:. Select Advanced options. Note: If you suspect that your device has been infected, make sure that your antivirus software is up to date.

You can also reinstall Windows completely by starting your device using the installation media and performing a clean installation of Windows. Having trouble playing recovery image for windows 10 video? Watch it on YouTube. To reinstall Windows 11 while Windows is running:. Open File Explorer and select the drive with the installation media.

/26213.txt the root directory of the drive, double-click setup. Keep personal files and apps — This will preserve your personal data, apps, and settings. Keep personal files only — This will preserve 64 bit windows 10 personal data and settings, but all your apps will be removed. Keep nothing — This will remove all personal data, settings, and apps.

Warning: You cannot undo a recovvery of Windows Be sure to back up your files first if you choose the Keep nothing option. To reinstall Windows 11 by starting your PC using installation media:. When Forr Setup starts, select Next and then Install now. If you fkr a Windows 11 product key, enter it when prompted. Recovery image for windows 10 prompted, select a Windows recovefy e. Home, Pro to install and then select Next. When prompted to choose a type iwndows installation, select Custom: Install Windows only advanced.

Note: If you suspect that your PC has been infected, consider deleting the existing partitions and reinstalling Windows 11 onto a clean disk. Your data on any deleted partitions will be lost. If your PC won't start and you haven't created a recovery drive, download installation media and use it to restore from a system restore point cor reset your PC.

I,age a working PC, go to the Microsoft software download website. Recovery image for windows 10 the initial setup screen, enter your language rrecovery other preferences, and then select Next.

If you don't see imge setup screen, your PC might not be set up to boot from a drive. Check your PC manufacturer's website for info on how to change your Recovery image for windows 10 boot order, and then try again. On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot. From there, you can:. This will remove recently installed apps, drivers, and updates that might be causing your PC problems.

For info windowa how to create a recovery drive on a working PC, see Create a recovery drive. On the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshootand then select one of the following two options. This won't affect your personal files, but it will remove recently installed apps, drivers, and updates that might be causing your PC problems. This will remove your personal files, apps and drivers you installed, and changes you made to settings. Next to Go backselect Go back.

This will keep your personal files, but it'll remove apps and drivers installed after the upgrade, as well as any changes you recovery image for windows 10 to settings. In most cases, you'll have 10 days inage go back. Note: The option recoveryy Settings to revovery back to your previous version of Windows is only available for a limited time after upgrading.

When the next preview build is ready, it'll be installed on your PC. This option takes your PC back to an earlier point in time, called a system restore point. Restore points are generated when you install a new recovery image for windows 10 or driver, and when you create a restore point manually. Imagw the search box on the taskbar, type control paneland then choose it from the list of results.

In the Control Panel search box, type recovery. In the Restore system files and settings box, select Next. Select the activate 10 pro point that you want to use in the list of results, and then select Scan for affected programs. In this scenario, you won't be able to recovery его windows 10 watermark remover PC using a system restore point and fpr need to use one of the other recovery image for windows 10 options listed on this page.

You'll see a list of items that will be deleted if you remove this restore point. View update history settings. Right-click the update you want to remove, and then select Uninstall. Resetting reinstalls Windows recovery image for windows 10, but lets you choose whether wjndows keep your files or remove them, and then reinstalls Windows. To reinstall Windows 10 while Windows is running:. To finish, select Install to start reinstalling Windows 10 on your PC.

To reinstall Windows 10 reocvery starting your PC using installation media:. If you have a Windows 10 product key, enter it when prompted. Note: If you suspect that your PC has been infected, consider deleting the existing partitions and reinstalling Windows 10 onto a clean disk.

Follow the steps to create installation media, and then select Finish. Note: If you go back to Windows 8. To fix the apps, reinstall вот ссылка from the Microsoft Store. Under Go back to the previous version of Windows 10select Get Started. In the Restore system files and setting box, select Next. If the Turn on system protection option is selected, continue with step 6.

Refresh your PC to reinstall Windows and keep your personal files and settings. Refresh also keeps the apps that came with your PC and the apps you installed from the Microsoft Store.

Reset your PC to reinstall Windows but delete your files, settings, and apps—except for the apps источник статьи came with your PC.

Restore your PC to undo recent system changes you've made. If you want to back up and restore your personal files using File History, see Set up a drive for File History. If продолжение здесь PC came with Windows 8. Check the info that came with your PC to see if your PC manufacturer provided these discs or media.

In some cases, you might have created them when you first set up your PC. For more info, see Create a USB recovery drive. If you upgraded your PC to Windows 8. If your PC isn't performing as well as it once did, and you don't know why, you can refresh your PC without deleting any of your personal files or changing your settings. Warning: Apps you installed from websites and DVDs will be vor.

Apps that came with your PC and apps you forr from Microsoft Store will be reinstalled. Windows puts a list of removed apps on your desktop after refreshing your PC. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, tap Settingsand then tap Change PC settings.

If you're using a mouse, point to the upper-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer down, select Settingsand then select Change PC settings. Tap or select Update and recoveryand then tap or select Recovery.


How to revive your Windows 10 installation with System Image Recovery | TechRepublic.

  To use the media creation tool, visit the Microsoft Software Download Windows 10 page from a Windows 7, Windows or Windows 10 device. You can use this page to download a disc image (ISO file) that can be used to install or reinstall Windows The image can also be used to create installation media using a USB flash drive or DVD. To create a recovery drive in Windows In the search box on the taskbar, search for Create a recovery drive and then select it. You might be asked to enter an admin password or confirm your When the tool opens, make sure Back up system files to the recovery drive is selected and then select. Download Recovery Images for Your PC in Windows If you need to reinstall Windows 10 on your PC, laptop or tablet, then the challenge can come with having all the appropriate drivers installed, so that all your hardware just works. As an example, if your PC doesn’t include an ethernet networking socket, and you don’t have a USB to ethernet adapter, not having the Wi .    

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